Coronavirus Response Statement

Updated 6/25/2020 11:00 AM

To our deeply missed guests and ministry family,

In light of the current COVID-19 restrictions and the various pieces of information and misinformation floating around, we wanted to offer some clarity on where we stand as a conference center and shed some light on our expectations for moving forward into what God has in store for us and our ministry relationship with you.

As of right now, our facility is committed to a shutdown through August; this includes our auxiliary ministries The Overflowing Cup coffeeshop, and Springs of Life bookshop. We have undergone staff reductions and are making difficult choices to ensure that we are able to complete this season and enter in to the next thing God has for our facility. This means there will be no retreats or conferences through August. Beyond that timeline we are prayerful and hopeful for an open door that will allow us to invite guests and groups back for their much-needed respite and refreshment. Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” We are doing our part to responsibly and practically prepare for a prolonged shutdown (even beyond August), but we remain faith-filled and hopeful that God’s plans will enable us to minister much sooner than that.

Thank you for your continued partnership and prayerful support. We love you and are excited about the glorious plans He has prepared for each of us.

In His service,

The MHSCCC ministry family


Updated 5/4/2020 2:00PM

To our valued ministry family,

As of May 1, we are continuing to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the COVID-19 restrictions and the challenges we are facing along with the rest of the community. In light of Governor Newsom’s most recent executive order, which extended the prohibition of gatherings outside of the home and established a structure of priority for reopening, we are preparing for a prolonged downtime. The Governor’s order currently has no expiration and no guidance on a timeline of a return to ministry, so we are using this time to innovate and refine much of our operation, complete some long-overdue projects, and develop our core values. God is giving a vision that ensures we will be a better organization when we reopen, and we believe that you will notice the difference when you return for your next event. Please let us know how we can pray for you and please be praying for us!

A minimum number of staff members are still working and available Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and our Front Desk is available Friday as well from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Additionally, The Overflowing Cup and Springs of Life Christian Bookstore will be closed until further notice.

Patiently awaiting His direction,

The MHS Staff


Updated 3/13/2020 4:00PM

To our valued ministry family,

Yesterday morning Riverside County released an order to cancel all meetings of 250 people and above. Due to logistical limitations that prevent us from being able to adjust to this news, and our desire to support our local and state government, we are closing all-conference and retreat activity until April 13th. The County order is mandated through April 30th. This means we will be monitoring the situation to determine if the virus activity lessens enough for the county to rescind this order and allows us to resume activity before the end of April. If not, we will continue our cancelation until the county feels it is safe to resume normal operations. It is a very fluid situation, and we will be monitoring it closely. We are grateful for your support and partnership. We will be working with our groups toward a resolution that glorifies God and meets the needs of our church family and the community.



Our mission at Murrieta Hot Springs is to be an extension of the Church by supporting the working and equipping of the body to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. We understand that our ability to continue this work is only possible if the environment we create is safe, accommodating, and welcoming.

In light of the recent emergence of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the seasonal flu, we are determined to prioritize the safety concerns of our guests, students, and staff. Our facility has always maintained a priority of cleanliness and sanitation; however, we are actively seeking counsel and recommendation from the Riverside County Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure that our practices exceed the current recommendations. The facility is taking extensive measures to provide peace of mind and mitigate risk of exposure. A few of these measures include:

  • Sanitizing the facility daily using recommended, concentrated, antibacterial cleaning solution.
  • Using gloves to serve out all food to minimize the spread of any possible germs.
  • Prohibiting under-the-weather staff from working.
  • Training our staff on recommended hygiene and exposure prevention practices.
  • Identifying and stocking specific areas of quarantine should the need arise.

In addition, our Safety Committee is working to develop a detailed plan of action in the event that any member of our campus community is exposed to or contracts the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We will keep you informed of any important new information as it becomes available. Your safety and well-being is our first priority and we are taking steps to ensure our best efforts to keep this facility a happy, healthy, and safe environment focused on drawing close to God.

For your convenience, the phone number of our local public health agency is included below, along with the official websites of the CDC and the California Department of Public Health.

We look forward to our continued partnership and are hopeful of a result that glorifies Him. For an official statement from our parent church, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, please go to

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” – Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV)

In His service,
The MHS Staff